Monday, January 18, 2010

rain rain go away...

So it started out nice, clear, and sunny earlier today and then it randomly started to rain right after lunch time. Still raining...So random, but anyways...I basically had a kick-back day today. I was cleaning, washing clothes, and cooked spaghetti. I was home alone for the longest time because all my other roomies had their welcome class today. Our 5th roomie just moved in today, but hecka disappeared. Apparently she might not even come back tonight wtf...thought we were suppose to stay after we checked in the first time...whatever...Apparently she has size 12 shoes dang >.< I dont think she beats KT though lol. My roomie and I were determined to find the right mail box to our key cause the number on it wouldn't open that mail box. So I went and stuck key in all the key holes until I could open one and I succeeded woot! Found an envelope in it and got disappointed since it was some other dude's.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My wallet hurts...

So I went for a ride with 3 great people in my program. Went to this new store called Company D that's only for cast members. It was awesome because they had exclusive items they have sold in the past in Disneyland. They had everything from trading pins, clothes, bags, etc. I seriously wanted to walk out with everything, but I got some stuff just for my family for now. I ended up spending only $26. What a great feeling lol. I bought an adorable stationary though so I can start writing letters! I also went to In-n-Out with them and went to Wal-mart afterwards to buy my work shoes. I've been lounging around my apartment and can't wait to watch Disneyland's fireworks from my room in 10 minutes!

Friday, January 15, 2010


Yea I bet you thought I'd never get back on here. Well I figured since some of you want to know what's going on, I decided I'll try and blog when I can. I'd rather be writing in my actual journal, but I love you all so anyways...

Well today was my Welcome class to "Park Operations" in which my job falls under. It took 8 hours though ugh...but we got to go around the park looking hecka fierce in our business clothes wearing our badges for the first time. Well that's just refers to the group i was with. We went to hear from the managers of each of our jobs and got to ride Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters as part of the Attractions manager. That was fun cause we got stuck twice so we got to increase our target points by a lot just from sitting there lol...I didn't know we were going to walk a ton again therefore, I wore heals cause Disney people's prefer so that sucked. Ended up dying going home and stayed while my roomies went to watch the fireworks, but I watched it from my room and it doesn't get any better than that. I just gotta go so I hear the music and narration next time.

Currently Listening to: "By Your Side" - Tenth Avenue North

Monday, July 6, 2009



This is really bugging me...Long story but I have a question??? Maybe one of you guys can help me figure it out, but I was doing research about outside generators. They can be very dangerous if you don't install it correctly apparently. Well, is it possible that if you do get electrocuted that it can go throughout the body and affect the brain in any way? I'm just trying to figure this out cause my bf's dad went from some great guy that would come home on the weekends or whatever to visit, and ever since he installed an outside generator, he hasn't come home since...He's been away working supposedly and he hasn't gone home in 3 months...My bf thinks he has another woman now, but what I'm trying to figure is how does a perfectly normal man turn instantly into a cheating jack ass?!?! My bf said that after his dad installed the generator, he kissed his mom goodbye and shook his and his little brother's hand and left. How weird is that?!?!? Omg this is really bugging me and I obviously had to blog...

Another random thought actually. What's up with twitter? Is it like this or better? I'm so confused >.<

Currently Listening to: "Strawberry Avalanche" - Owl City

Thursday, June 11, 2009



Who in their crazy mind would honestly want to stay with someone that's a jerk and probably doesn't even love in the first place?!?!

Sorry but I have cousin that is being stupid and it is affecting all of us especially her girls which kills me. She can easily get out the situation, but no she won't no matter how much advice my parents give her. It's like it's going through one ear and out the other... >.> Dang I mean c'mon now?!?! Do it for you girls and stop being selfish. Yes, she's the type that always has to be with someone which really annoying...and she tries to use her good looks and innocence to look like the victim, but now I'm not so sure anymore. She's known to take advantage of people too, so now I really don't know anymore...

I can't stand seeing her girls get hurt. They take it so differently. The little one doesn't know how to deal with it and screams. The older one just tries to ignore and pretend she doesn't hear anything. I wish I could talk to them and see what they're feeling, but I never really get any time with them and I don't know if they would open up to me...I just my cuz would leave the idiot, get an apartment for her girl's sake instead of stalking the dude not giving him any space to think and figure out what he wants -_\ He's not a family man at all. I've observed this. Well I'm done ranting for now I'm hungry o.o Thanks a lot Taka! xD jk

Currently Listening to: "Thinking of You" - Hanson

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Back on my feet

Ok well those are the pics of my halter top from my previous blog i talked about it in.
I went back to my dance studio for the first time in forever. It felt kinda weird. Idk I guess it's because I feel like I've put so many people down even though it wasn't really my fault...but yea I didn't get to do much...It still made me happy though. According to the doc I should be fine performing in my dance recital thank God^^ I won't be in as many dance routines as I should be, but it's ok. I seriously would've died if I couldn't even be in my dance recital...-_\
So random facts: finally figured out what my major is; Fashion Design woot! lol. It kinda sucks though cause if I figured it out sooner, I could've went straight into the school I'm planning to attend >.> Oh well, everything happens for a reason I guess. At least I figured it out with help from Jess. "Thanks Jess" lol...well I'm dead and I should get some sleep. Going to graduation tomorrow >.<
Currently Listening to: "Cantilena" - Adiemus

Saturday, May 23, 2009

yay for insomnia...


I've been summoned to come back and blog several times. Since I can never sleep anymore, I'll come back when I remember to xP

As some of you know already, yes I do have a bf. He lives in Michigan, but our bond is so strong and amazing. Words can't describe/explain it. Otherwise, I would've never considered doing a long-distant relationship. I finally heard his voice for the first time today! Long explanation, but basicly he stole his brothers mic. that he uses to play freakin online video games with and we got to verbally talk to each other lol. It was a great surprise. Even when things get funky, we can always put it together. He makes everything better shoot...I miss him lol. Randomness.

I wish I didn't have to sleep. I could get so much more things done and possibly fit some actual time hanging out with everyone especially you guys that blog lol. Shoot I could sew and read more...Omg you guys I sewed a halter top a few days ago. I'll take some pics. It's a pretty good first atempt^^

I'm kinda hungry and thirsty... >.>

Currently listening to: "Time to Say Goodbye-Con te par" - Romanza